Juan Giraldo, President, and Ricardo Siu, Treasurer, were awarded funding by the FIU BME department and by Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB) National to attend the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. At the AEMB Annual Grand Meeting occurring at the BMES Annual Meeting, the National AEMB President recognized the FIU AEMB chapter for hosting events that include the faculty, such as the softball and soccer games, and encouraged other chapters to do the same. Our FIU AEMB chapter was awarded the “Most Active Chapter Award” on October 13, 2017 at the AEMB Annual Reception. During the academic year 2016-2017, the chapter grew by fourteen talented students who were invited thanks to their academic achievements. Within this period, various events were organized to promote networking skills of students, foster interaction with faculty, and prepare the students for the next step in their professional careers. FIU AEMB is fully committed to continue this trend and thus remain the most active AEMB chapter nationally.