FIU BME multi-lead multi-electrode system patent

Anil Thota, Ranu Jung and Sathaykumar Kutaegowdanahalli of the Adaptive Neural Systems Laboratory in the department of Biomedical Engineering were awarded paptent US10,384,057B2: Multi-lead multi-electrode management system.  This patent describes a new anchoring system for the electrodes extends and extends the claims on a previous patent US 9,409,009 B2 awarded on August 9, 2016.

Patent Abstract:

A multi-lead multi-electrode system and method of manufacturing the multi-lead milti-electrode system includes a multi-electrode lead that may be used to deploy multiple separable electrodes to different spaced apart contact sites, such as nerve or miscle tissues, for example, that are spatially distributed over a large area.

To learn more about the patent, click here.