What is your name and where are you from?

My name is Monica Karas, and I am from Cairo, Egypt.

What degree are you pursuing?

I am pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and looking forward to applying to medical school.

Why did you decide to study biomedical engineering?

I decided to study Biomedical Engineering because it combines two of my favorite fields: medicine and engineering. Not only do I learn more about the mechanics of the human body, but also I get to learn how to engineer solutions to medical issues.

What’s it like being a woman in engineering? Do you feel that your gender gives you a different perspective and/or experience from your male colleagues?

Being a woman in engineering allows me to break the current stereotype about women not belonging in engineering by showing that, just like anyone else, women can also exceed in such a difficult field of engineering.

What is the most challenging part about being an engineer?

The most challenging part about being a woman in engineering is trying twice as hard to prove to others that you are up to the task, which can be something as simple as acing an engineering class.

Are you a part of any clubs or organizations at FIU? Carried any leadership roles?

I am currently the President of Coptic Students Association (CSA) at FIU, and am a member of AEMB and STITCH. I was also part of the founding e-board of FIU SHARP as the Event Coordinator.

Do you have any female mentors or role models that you look up to?

My female role models include Sana Nasim, Serena Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou, and Mother Teresa.

Which part about your BME experience are you most proud of and/or excited for?

I am most excited for Senior Design, which I’m currently enrolled in. I am also eager to apply my Biomedical Engineering skills to medicine when I go to medical school.

Do you have any advice for women in BME?

Don’t let anyone’s opinions on your dreams influence you to actually change them!! Follow your dreams, and always believe in yourself. I am the first Biomedical Engineer and first female engineer in my family, and although none of my family understood what a Biomedical engineer is, and had the stereotype that engineering is only for men, I was able to get all the way through to senior year of Biomedical Engineering.