The Department of Biomedical Engineering is looking forward to the
“The 2nd Annual BME Undergraduate Research Day”.
Please find below important information about the event.
ABSTRACT DUE DATE: March 15, 2012.
please complete the Abstract template and send it back via e.mail to Claudia no later than March 15th.
Undergraduate Research Day Abstract Template
All posters MUST be approved by the student’s faculty mentor
- Poster size is recommended to 24” x 36”, portrait
- The presentation title should be at least two inches high. Beneath the title, the name(s) of the student (s), faculty advisor(s) and The Department of Biomedical Engineering should be listed.
- Posters should include the abstract, introduction to the general topic and the reason the work was done, followed by an explanation of the methods, presentation of results and a clear conclusion of the contribution of the work to the discipline it falls under. Make it easy to follow the flow of information on the poster by providing titles on each graph, table or picture.
- Label each section clearly, in letters large enough to read from 5 to 10 feet away. General text on the poster should be readable from a minimum of 5 feet away as well.
- Be sure to include necessary bibliographical references and/or acknowledgements of research assistance received during the project.
- Posters should include the University and Department logos.
- You may use charts, graphs, maps, photographs, illustrations and pictures.
- Please do not use a solid color background on your poster.
- Presenters must be available to discuss his/her/their display during their assigned poster sessions.
- Posters will remain up throughout the entire conference. Any posters left up after the deadline for removal will be taken down and will be discarded. If you cannot collect your poster please make arrangements to have someone else do so.