A Different but Amazing Senior Design Award Ceremony

Due to the current situation, this semester’s Senior Design Expo was completely different from the past years and was even more challenging for our students. Each group had to submit their reports, posters and oral presentations through an online platform for judges to evaluate them. Seniors showed what they are capable off and how much they have learned in this path of becoming the next generation of Biomedical Engineers.

And since nothing stops the BME Department for celebrating and awarding our students for their effort and commitment with their Senior Design Projects, we took the classical Senior Design Expo Award Ceremony to Zoom and joined in a unique and historical ceremony.

The online act began with the encouraging words from our senior instructor Michael C. Christie, our Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, Dr. Godavarthy and Our Professor and Chair, Dr. Ranu Jung, who congratulated all the students for their great achievement regarding the difficult times we are facing.

Then there was a big round of applause for the judges who dedicated their time evaluating this semester Senior Design Projects and to all the sponsors who made possible the development of student’s innovative ideas. Finally, winners were announced and applauses, messages of love, support and congratulations took the lead in the Zoom meeting.


Congratulations to all the winners!


Poster Competition


BME Trophy
 First Place

Team 9

Dobbs Boot

BME Senior Design Expo Team 9

Faculty Advisor: Professor Ranu Jung

BME TrophySecond Place

Team 5

Bite Force Recording Device

BME Senior Design Expo Team 5

Faculty Advisor: Professor Zachary Danziger

BME TrophyThird Place

Team 7

BioPrinted Advanced Drug Delivery System (BioPADDS)

BME Senior Design Expo Team 7

Faculty Advisor: Professor Joshua Hutcheson

BME TrophyHonorable Mention

Team 4

Thermal Breast Phantom

BME Senior Design Expo Team 4

Faculty Advisor: Professor Anuradha Godavarty


Oral Presentation


BME TrophyFirst Place

Team 3

Septal Support Splint: Intranasal Open BiValve Splint

BME Senior Design Expo Team 3

Faculty Advisor: Professor Michael C. Christie

BME TrophySecond Place

Team 7

BioPrinted Advanced Drug Delivery System (BioPADDS)

BME Senior Design Expo Team 7

Faculty Advisor: Professor Joshua Hutcheson

BME TrophyThird Place

Team 1

Orbit: The Continuous Centrifuge

BME Senior Design Expo Team 1

Faculty Advisor: Professor Sharan Ramaswamy

BME TrophyHonorable Mention

Team 5

Bite Force Recording Device

BME Senior Design Expo Team 5

Faculty Advisor: Professor Zachary Danziger