Biomedical Engineering Events

Biomedical Engineering Seminars, Lectures, and Ongoing Events


Undergraduate Research Day

The Biomedical Engineering Research Day & Celebration showcases all the exciting research that our Biomedical Engineering undergraduate students are involved in our department, including efforts of students in the CURE Program, which was developed to pair undergraduate students with a faculty mentor in order to cultivate and strive for research success.

Graduate Research Day

The Biomedical Engineering Graduate Research Day showcases all the exciting research that our Biomedical Engineering graduate students are involved in our department. On Graduate Research Day student researchers get the stage. It is a day-long opportunity for graduate students to gain valuable professional development experience, network with industry partners, present research, and learn about the research of others.

Senior Design Showcase

The Senior Design Showcase & Competition is the culminating experience for undergraduate seniors in Biomedical Engineering. Teams of senior students complete and present their capstone project in which they design and prototype a product, device, process, or software system solution designed to address unmet biomedical needs.

Thirst for Science

Thirst for ScienceThirst for Science is a monthly event held in popular South Miami locations where scientists explain their research in an accessible way to a general audience. Each event features a different scientist who will walk the group through their work, field questions from the audience, and relax with the attendees. All events are open to the public, so please stop by and enjoy!