Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Research Celebration
The Biomedical Engineering Research Day & Celebration showcases all the exciting research that our Biomedical Engineering undergraduate students are involved in our department, including efforts of students in the CURE Program, which was developed to pair undergraduate students with a faculty mentor in order to cultivate and strive for research success.
The BME Undergraduate Day combines our Annual BME Undergraduate Research Day (URD) and recognition of students in our Coulter Undergraduate Research Program (CURE). The Undergraduate Day also includes a BME Alumni Panel Discussion featuring former students from across the industry, medicine, graduate, and medical school.
Undergraduate Research Poster Competition Winners – Fall 2023
BMME Poster of the Year
Jazlyn Hernandez
“Investigating the potential of EGFR inhibition as to reverse vascular calcification in vitro”
1st Place
Lucas Menendez
“Differences in Cellular Heterogeneity between Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Tricuspid Aortic Valve”
Michelle Wiese
“Modeling Blood Flow Dynamics and Hematocrit Distribution in Cerebral Microvascular Networks by Tracing Red Blood Cell Movement in Capillary Networks”