Nanotechnology Lecture Series
February 19, 2004 Electronic Nanodevices Based on Self-Assembled Metalloproteins Pier Paolo Pompa |
February 17, 2004 ATP Synthase – The Biological World’s Smallest Rotary Motor: Is It Useful? Robert H. Fillingame |
February 16, 2004 Design Principles for Self-Assembling Nanostructures from Macromolecules F. Raymond Salemme |
November 24, 2003 Functional Nanostructures by Self-Organization Jean-Marie Lehn |
Wertheim Thought Leader Lecture Series in Entrepreneurship
May 7, 2004 Commercializing University Generated Technology: The case of the University of Florida Erik Sander |
March 5, 2004 Corporate and Family Governance in Family-Owned Companies: The Case of Latin American Business Families Jon I. Martinez |
February 24, 2004 Just Sunglasses Sanford I. Ziff |
February 16, 2004 Building a technology firm: Lessons from two successful your entrepreneurs Ash R. Huzenlaub and Ben Sardiñas |
January 30, 2004 Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Recognition: New Directions Gerald E. Hills |
November 7, 2003 Entrepreneurship and National Economic Growth: Recent Findings from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Project Paul D. Reynolds |
October 21, 2003 Maximizing The Potential Of University Spin-Outs: The Development of Second Order Commercialization Activities Richard T. Harrison |
October 8, 2003 Understanding The Biotechnology Business Using Relationship Marketing Lenses Malin Brannback |